Abdul Malik Ikhsan

Welcome to SitrunTech

I'm Abdul Malik Ikhsan. I have 17 years of experience developing web applications, especially for Zend Framework. From August 2012, I started contributing to Zend Framework (now Laminas).

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Web Development

I have been a freelance web developer since 2008, I've worked on a number of projects for various groups, including government and private agencies.

I can build great web based application for you.


I can provide you training about :

  • PHP and OOP Concept and Practice in PHP
  • PHP Testing
  • Build Standard PHP Projects with Domain Driven Design Architecture
  • CodeIgniter 4
  • Zend Framework (now Laminas) 3
  • Expressive (now Mezzio) 3
  • Build SPA Application with implementation in Mezzio 3 or CodeIgniter 4 with Vue.js

I'm at Bandung, Indonesia, but if you want online training, I'm ready for "on skype" training.